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These Tools for Your Soul™ Will Change Your Life and Will Connect You To Your Soul and Your Higher Purpose ... If You Are Ready.
Are You Ready For The Tools?!
Vanda explains the benefits of the Tools ...
Each of the Tools for Your Soul™ has been carefully created and designed, and is extremely purposeful; they were created to help support you to better connect to yourself and to help you raise your awareness to the energy that exists around you. They are gifts, great vehicles to assist you, as they have within them the wisdom to connect you to your soul, to your own divine wisdom and awaken your intuition.
All of the Tools are of blue earth materials, hand-crafted and created in a sacred way and infused infused with a Divine energy. They are not made for mass production or retail. These tools are sacred tools packaged with love and honored for their unique authenticity and magic.
Signature Soul Series™ Books
Protection Heart Pin™ – Protect your heart, Stay true to you
True You™ Mist – Mist away stress & others’ negative energy, purify and heal your space, get clarity
Soulva™ Stick – Heal and purify the space around you, protect you, get clarity, heighten intuition
Soult™ – Deep, purifying energy cleanser for emotional, mental, & physical healing & intuitive clarity
The Magic Ribbon™ – Make a wish just for you! Feed women and children. Change the world.
& So Much More!
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